Field Day


Field Day is the term used when a candidate is made to ride along with an experienced sales representative assigned to the position they are being interviewed for. In this guide, we'll explore the concept of Field Day, its significance in the hiring process, and how it benefits both candidates and companies.


Field Day refers to the practice of allowing job candidates to accompany experienced sales representatives on sales calls or visits to gain firsthand experience and insight into the role they are interviewing for.

Key Concepts:

  • Hands-on Experience: Field Day provides candidates with the opportunity to observe and participate in real-world sales activities, allowing them to gain practical knowledge and skills that may not be evident in traditional interviews.
  • Culture Fit: Field Day allows candidates to interact with the sales team, observe the company culture, and assess whether they would be a good fit for the organization.
  • Skill Evaluation: Employers can use Field Day as a way to assess candidates' sales skills, communication abilities, and suitability for the role in a real-world setting.

Benefits of Field Day:

  • Candidate Insight: Field Day provides candidates with valuable insights into the day-to-day responsibilities, challenges, and expectations of the sales role, helping them make informed decisions about their suitability and interest.
  • Company Evaluation: Employers can evaluate candidates' performance, professionalism, and cultural fit during Field Day, allowing them to make more informed hiring decisions and reduce the risk of turnover or misalignment.
  • Mutual Learning: Field Day fosters a collaborative learning environment where candidates can learn from experienced sales representatives and vice versa, promoting knowledge sharing, skill development, and team cohesion.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate the purpose, expectations, and logistics of Field Day to both candidates and sales representatives to ensure a productive and positive experience for all parties involved.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism to gather input and insights from both candidates and sales representatives after Field Day, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement of the hiring process.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that Field Day activities comply with relevant employment laws and regulations, including confidentiality, non-discrimination, and fair labor practices, to mitigate potential risks and liabilities.


Field Day provides an invaluable opportunity for job candidates to gain firsthand experience and insight into the sales role they are interviewing for, while also allowing employers to assess candidates' skills, suitability, and cultural fit in a real-world setting. By fostering mutual learning, evaluating performance, and promoting transparency, Field Day can enhance the hiring process and contribute to the long-term success of both candidates and companies.

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