

Kickers are financial incentives or bonuses offered to sales representatives to motivate them to achieve specific sales targets, exceed quotas, or focus on particular products or market segments. In this guide, we'll explore the concept of Kickers, their role in sales compensation, and strategies for effectively implementing incentive programs to drive sales performance and productivity.


Kickers, also known as bonuses, incentives, or spiffs, are financial rewards or additional commissions offered to sales representatives as part of their compensation package to incentivize and reward performance excellence, achievement of sales targets, or attainment of specific goals and objectives. Kickers can take various forms, such as cash bonuses, gift cards, travel vouchers, or merchandise, and may be awarded based on individual, team, or organizational performance metrics, such as sales revenue, volume, margin, customer acquisition, retention, or satisfaction.

Key Concepts:

  • Performance Incentives: Kickers serve as performance incentives to motivate sales representatives to achieve higher levels of productivity, effectiveness, and success in their sales efforts. By offering financial rewards or bonuses for achieving specific goals or targets, companies can align sales rep behavior with organizational objectives, drive desired sales outcomes, and create a culture of performance excellence, accountability, and results-driven performance across the sales team.
  • Goal Alignment: Kickers help align individual sales rep goals with broader organizational objectives, strategies, and priorities by linking incentive payouts to key performance indicators (KPIs), sales targets, or strategic initiatives. By tying kicker eligibility and payouts to specific metrics, goals, or outcomes that are aligned with the company's growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction goals, companies can ensure that sales reps focus their efforts on activities and behaviors that drive the greatest value and impact for the organization.
  • Motivational Impact: Kickers have a motivational impact on sales reps by providing tangible rewards, recognition, and incentives for their hard work, dedication, and performance excellence. By offering meaningful incentives and rewards for achieving sales targets or milestones, companies can boost morale, engagement, and job satisfaction among sales reps, fostering a positive and supportive work environment that encourages continuous improvement, innovation, and high-performance achievement.

Benefits of Kickers:

  • Sales Performance Improvement: Kickers incentivize sales reps to increase their productivity, focus, and effort in driving sales revenue, acquiring new customers, and achieving sales targets. By offering financial rewards or bonuses for exceeding quotas, closing high-value deals, or upselling additional products or services, companies can motivate sales reps to maximize their sales potential, improve their sales performance, and drive revenue growth and profitability for the organization.
  • Behavioral Alignment: Kickers align sales rep behavior with organizational goals, priorities, and values by rewarding desired behaviors, activities, and outcomes that contribute to the company's success. By linking kicker eligibility and payouts to specific performance metrics, behaviors, or outcomes that are aligned with the company's strategic objectives, companies can incentivize sales reps to focus on activities that drive value, impact, and results, while discouraging behaviors that are counterproductive or detrimental to organizational success.
  • Retention and Engagement: Kickers enhance sales rep retention and engagement by providing meaningful incentives, rewards, and recognition for their contributions to the company's success. By offering competitive and attractive incentive programs that recognize and reward performance excellence, companies can attract top sales talent, retain high-performing sales reps, and reduce turnover rates, creating a motivated, engaged, and loyal sales team that drives sustained sales growth and business success.

Best Practices for Kickers:

  • Clear and Transparent Criteria: Define clear, transparent, and achievable criteria for kicker eligibility, qualification, and payout calculations to ensure fairness, consistency, and equity in incentive program administration. Clearly communicate the criteria, rules, and expectations for earning kickers to sales reps, providing regular updates, feedback, and performance tracking to keep them informed, engaged, and motivated to achieve their goals and targets.
  • Performance Tracking and Measurement: Implement robust performance tracking and measurement systems to accurately capture and evaluate sales rep performance against established goals, targets, and metrics. Use performance dashboards, scorecards, and analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs), monitor progress, and identify performance trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement, enabling data-driven decision-making and performance management practices that drive continuous improvement and results-driven performance across the sales team.
  • Tailored Incentive Structures: Customize incentive structures and reward programs to align with the unique needs, preferences, and motivations of sales reps, taking into account individual performance levels, career aspirations, and personal goals. Offer a mix of financial and non-financial incentives, rewards, and recognition programs that appeal to different sales rep demographics, personality types, and motivational factors, providing flexibility, choice, and autonomy in how they earn and redeem rewards, while also promoting inclusivity, diversity, and fairness in incentive program design and administration.


Kickers are financial incentives or bonuses offered to sales representatives to motivate them to achieve specific sales targets, exceed quotas, or focus on particular products or market segments. By implementing effective incentive programs that align with organizational goals, reward performance excellence, and foster a culture of accountability, engagement, and results-driven performance, companies can drive sales productivity, revenue growth, and business success in today's competitive marketplace.

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