Name Based Rapport


Name Based Rapport is a technique that leverages the use of "3rd Person Selling" to establish a connection and build trust with prospects. In this guide, we'll explore the concept of Name Based Rapport, its benefits in sales conversations, and strategies for effectively implementing this approach.


Name Based Rapport involves the strategic use of the prospect's name and references to create interest and guide them to be open-minded about your ideas or offerings. By addressing the prospect by name and utilizing third-person language, sales professionals can establish rapport and credibility, leading to more productive conversations and increased likelihood of closing deals.

Key Concepts:

  • 3rd Person Selling: Name Based Rapport utilizes the principle of 3rd Person Selling, where the salesperson refers to the prospect and their needs in the third person to create a sense of connection and understanding.
  • Building Trust: By addressing the prospect by name and demonstrating an understanding of their needs through third-person references, sales professionals can build trust and credibility, making the prospect more receptive to their ideas and recommendations.
  • Creating Interest: Name Based Rapport helps create interest and engagement by personalizing the sales conversation and demonstrating a genuine interest in addressing the prospect's specific needs and challenges.

Benefits of Name Based Rapport:

  • Improved Engagement: Name Based Rapport leads to increased engagement and participation in sales conversations, as prospects feel valued and understood.
  • Enhanced Credibility: By addressing the prospect by name and using third-person language, sales professionals establish credibility and expertise, enhancing their influence and persuasiveness.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Name Based Rapport can lead to higher conversion rates and sales success, as prospects are more likely to trust and act on recommendations from sales professionals who demonstrate a genuine understanding of their needs.

Best Practices:

  • Personalize Communication: Tailor sales conversations to each prospect by addressing them by name and using third-person language that reflects their specific needs and preferences.
  • Practice Active Listening: Listen attentively to the prospect's responses and cues during the conversation, using their feedback to guide the discussion and build rapport effectively.
  • Follow Up Appropriately: Follow up with prospects after initial conversations, reinforcing Name Based Rapport by continuing to address them by name and demonstrating ongoing support and understanding of their needs.


Name Based Rapport is a powerful technique for building trust, engagement, and credibility in sales conversations. By addressing prospects by name and using third-person language to demonstrate understanding and empathy, sales professionals can create a personalized and impactful experience that leads to increased conversion rates and sales success.

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