Past Customer


Past Customer refers to a customer who has previously purchased products or services from a company but has not engaged in any additional transactions or activities within a specified period, typically a year or more. In this guide, we'll explore the significance of past customers in sales, strategies for re-engaging past customers, and the benefits of leveraging past customer relationships to drive repeat business and foster long-term customer loyalty.


Past Customer, also known as a lapsed customer or inactive customer, is an individual or organization that has previously made purchases or transactions with a company but has not continued to do so within a defined timeframe, such as a year or more. They represent a valuable segment of the customer base that has already demonstrated interest and familiarity with the brand, products, or services but may require targeted efforts to re-engage and reactivate their business.

Key Concepts:

  • Customer Reactivation: Customer reactivation involves implementing targeted strategies and initiatives to re-engage past customers, reignite their interest, and encourage them to make repeat purchases or transactions with the company, leveraging personalized communication, special offers, and incentives to incentivize re-engagement and drive conversion.
  • Lifecycle Marketing: Lifecycle marketing focuses on nurturing customer relationships throughout the entire customer lifecycle, including acquisition, engagement, retention, and reactivation, by delivering relevant, timely, and personalized experiences and communications tailored to the specific needs, preferences, and behaviors of past customers to drive ongoing engagement, loyalty, and advocacy.
  • Data Analytics and Segmentation: Leveraging data analytics and segmentation enables companies to identify and segment past customers based on their behavior, purchase history, preferences, and engagement patterns, allowing for targeted messaging, offers, and campaigns that resonate with the unique needs and interests of different customer segments, maximizing reactivation rates and driving incremental revenue.

Benefits of Re-Engaging Past Customers:

  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value: Re-engaging past customers can increase their lifetime value by encouraging repeat purchases, fostering loyalty, and driving incremental revenue and profitability over time, as loyal customers tend to spend more, purchase more frequently, and advocate for the brand, resulting in higher retention rates and long-term growth.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Re-engaging past customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new customers, as existing customers are already familiar with the brand, products, or services and may require less persuasion or marketing spend to make repeat purchases, reducing acquisition costs and improving overall marketing ROI and efficiency.
  • Enhanced Brand Loyalty: By investing in personalized communication, offers, and experiences for past customers, companies can strengthen brand loyalty, trust, and affinity, fostering positive relationships and emotional connections that lead to increased customer satisfaction, advocacy, and referrals, driving organic growth and competitive differentiation in the marketplace.

Strategies for Re-Engaging Past Customers:

  • Personalized Communication: Tailor communication and outreach efforts to past customers based on their preferences, behavior, and purchase history, using personalized messages, offers, and incentives that resonate with their interests, needs, and motivations, demonstrating appreciation, relevance, and value to encourage re-engagement and repeat purchases.
  • Exclusive Offers and Incentives: Create special offers, promotions, and incentives exclusively for past customers, such as discounts, loyalty rewards, or VIP privileges, to incentivize re-engagement and reward loyalty, providing tangible benefits and incentives that motivate past customers to return and make repeat purchases, while reinforcing the brand's commitment to customer satisfaction and appreciation.
  • Omnichannel Engagement: Implement an omnichannel engagement strategy to reach past customers across multiple touchpoints and channels, including email, social media, direct mail, and mobile, delivering consistent, seamless, and personalized experiences that cater to their preferences and behaviors, maximizing visibility, engagement, and response rates and driving reactivation and conversion across channels.


Past Customer represents a valuable opportunity for businesses to drive repeat business, foster long-term customer loyalty, and increase profitability. By implementing targeted strategies for re-engaging past customers, leveraging personalized communication, exclusive offers, and omnichannel engagement, companies can maximize customer lifetime value, enhance brand loyalty, and achieve sustainable growth and success in today's competitive marketplace.

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