Positioning Statement


Positioning Statement is a strategic statement or set of questions used by sales representatives to initiate sales calls and engage prospects in conversations about their pain points, needs, and challenges. In this guide, we'll explore the concept of positioning statements, their role in sales conversations, and best practices for crafting and using effective positioning statements to drive meaningful interactions and uncover opportunities.


A Positioning Statement is a concise and compelling statement or set of questions used by sales representatives to establish relevance, credibility, and value in sales conversations with prospects. It typically articulates the unique value proposition, key benefits, and differentiation of a product or service, and prompts prospects to share insights, challenges, or goals that the sales rep can address and align with during the conversation.

Key Elements of Positioning Statements:

  • Value Proposition: Positioning statements communicate the value proposition or unique selling points of a product or service, highlighting key features, benefits, and advantages that differentiate it from competitors and address specific customer needs, pain points, or objectives, to capture the prospect's attention and interest, and establish relevance and credibility in the sales conversation.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Positioning statements include open-ended questions designed to prompt prospects to share insights, challenges, or goals related to their business or industry, encouraging active participation, engagement, and dialogue, and providing the sales rep with valuable information, context, and opportunities to tailor their pitch, address objections, and position their offering effectively.
  • Conversation Starters: Positioning statements serve as conversation starters or icebreakers to initiate sales calls or meetings with prospects, set the tone and agenda for the conversation, and establish rapport, trust, and credibility with the prospect, by demonstrating understanding, empathy, and expertise, and positioning the sales rep as a trusted advisor or consultant rather than a pushy salesperson.

Benefits of Effective Positioning Statements:

  • Engagement and Relevance: Effective positioning statements capture the prospect's attention and interest, engage them in meaningful conversations, and establish relevance and credibility by addressing their specific needs, pain points, or objectives, and positioning the product or service as a valuable solution or opportunity to explore further, increasing the likelihood of continued engagement, interest, and consideration in the sales process.
  • Qualification and Discovery: Effective positioning statements facilitate qualification and discovery by prompting prospects to share insights, challenges, or goals related to their business or industry, and providing the sales rep with valuable information, context, and opportunities to uncover needs, preferences, and opportunities, and tailor their pitch, messaging, and solution accordingly, ensuring alignment, fit, and relevance between the offering and the prospect's requirements and priorities.
  • Differentiation and Value Proposition: Effective positioning statements differentiate the product or service from competitors and articulate its unique value proposition, key benefits, and advantages, in a compelling and persuasive manner, to capture the prospect's attention and interest, and position the offering as the preferred solution or choice, increasing perceived value, desirability, and differentiation in the prospect's eyes, and reducing price sensitivity, objections, and competitive threats.

Best Practices for Crafting and Using Positioning Statements:

  • Customer-Centric Focus: Craft positioning statements from the customer's perspective, focusing on their needs, pain points, and objectives, and articulating how the product or service can address and solve their specific challenges or opportunities, to establish relevance, credibility, and empathy, and resonate with the prospect's priorities, motivations, and decision criteria.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: Keep positioning statements clear, concise, and easy to understand, using simple language, jargon-free terminology, and compelling narratives to communicate the value proposition, key benefits, and differentiation of the offering, and capture the prospect's attention and interest quickly and effectively, avoiding ambiguity, confusion, or information overload, and ensuring clarity, impact, and memorability in the sales conversation.
  • Customization and Adaptation: Tailor positioning statements to the specific needs, preferences, and interests of each prospect, using open-ended questions and active listening techniques to gather insights, uncover opportunities, and adapt the messaging, tone, and approach to resonate with the prospect's unique context, challenges, and goals, and build rapport, trust, and rapport, enhancing engagement, relevance, and effectiveness in the sales conversation.


Positioning statements play a crucial role in sales conversations by setting the tone, establishing relevance, and engaging prospects in meaningful dialogues about their needs, challenges, and goals. By crafting and using effective positioning statements, sales representatives can differentiate their offering, articulate its value proposition, and uncover opportunities to address the prospect's requirements and priorities, driving engagement, interest, and ultimately, sales success in today's competitive marketplace.

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