Puppy Dog Close


The puppy dog close is a sales technique that involves allowing potential customers to use a product or service on a trial basis with no obligation to buy, with the aim of persuading them to make a purchase after experiencing its benefits firsthand. The term "puppy dog close" is derived from the idea that, like a person who adopts a puppy and becomes attached to it during a trial period, customers will become attached to a product or service and feel compelled to purchase it once they have experienced its value.


The puppy dog close is a no-pressure sales approach where customers are offered the opportunity to use a product or service for a limited time, typically free of charge or at a reduced cost, with the option to return it if not satisfied. It capitalizes on the psychological principle of commitment and consistency, as customers are more likely to make a purchase after investing time and effort into using the product or service and experiencing its benefits firsthand.

Key Elements of the Puppy Dog Close:

  • Trial Period: Offer customers a trial period during which they can use the product or service at no cost or a reduced rate. This allows them to experience its features, benefits, and value proposition firsthand, increasing their likelihood of making a purchase.
  • No Obligation: Emphasize to customers that there is no obligation to buy and that they can return the product or cancel the service if not satisfied. This reduces the perceived risk associated with making a purchase and encourages customers to take advantage of the trial offer.
  • Value Demonstration: Highlight the unique selling points, features, and benefits of the product or service during the trial period to demonstrate its value and relevance to the customer's needs. Use case studies, testimonials, and success stories to showcase real-world examples of how the product or service has helped other customers achieve their goals.

Benefits of the Puppy Dog Close:

  • Increased Sales: The puppy dog close can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales, as customers are more likely to make a purchase after experiencing the product or service firsthand and recognizing its value.
  • Reduced Risk: By offering a trial period with no obligation to buy, businesses can reduce the perceived risk for customers and overcome objections related to uncertainty or skepticism. This encourages hesitant customers to try the product or service and increases their confidence in making a purchase decision.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Allowing customers to use the product or service before making a purchase helps ensure that they are satisfied with their decision and reduces the likelihood of buyer's remorse. This leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers feel confident in their choice and value the transparency and flexibility offered by the puppy dog close approach.


The puppy dog close is a powerful sales technique that leverages the psychological principle of commitment and consistency to persuade customers to make a purchase after experiencing the benefits of a product or service firsthand. By offering a trial period with no obligation to buy and demonstrating the value and relevance of the offering, businesses can increase sales, reduce risk, and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately driving business growth and success.

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