Request for Tender


Request for Tender (RFT) is a formal process wherein suppliers or service providers are invited to present proposals for the purchase of a commodity, item, or service. In this guide, we'll delve into the concept of Request for Tender, its significance in procurement, and key considerations for issuing and responding to RFTs.


Request for Tender (RFT) is a formal invitation or document issued by organizations to request proposals or bids from potential suppliers or service providers for the procurement of specific goods, commodities, items, or services. It typically includes detailed specifications, requirements, terms and conditions, and evaluation criteria to enable vendors to prepare and submit competitive tenders.

Key Concepts:

  • Scope: RFTs cover a wide range of procurement needs, including construction projects, infrastructure development, public contracts, and supply agreements, depending on the organization's requirements and industry.
  • Components: RFTs typically include sections such as project scope, technical specifications, contractual terms, pricing structures, evaluation criteria, and submission instructions to provide vendors with comprehensive information for preparing their tenders.
  • Evaluation: The RFT process involves evaluating tenders based on predetermined criteria, such as technical capabilities, compliance with specifications, pricing, quality, and delivery schedules, to select the most suitable supplier or solution.

Benefits of Request for Tender:

  • Competition: RFTs promote competition among suppliers, encouraging them to submit competitive tenders that offer innovative solutions and value-added services to meet the organization's requirements.
  • Transparency: RFTs ensure transparency and fairness in the procurement process by clearly defining project requirements, evaluation criteria, and selection criteria, allowing suppliers to understand expectations and compete on an equal footing.
  • Quality: By providing detailed information about project requirements and evaluation criteria, RFTs enable organizations to receive high-quality tenders that align with their objectives and specifications, facilitating informed decision-making and risk management.

Best Practices:

  • Specification Clarity: Clearly define project scope, technical requirements, and evaluation criteria in the RFT to ensure that suppliers understand the expectations and can prepare accurate and relevant tenders.
  • Engagement: Engage with potential suppliers early in the RFT process to gather input, clarify requirements, and address any concerns or questions, fostering collaboration and transparency throughout the procurement process.
  • Evaluation Process: Establish a structured evaluation process with clear criteria and scoring mechanisms to objectively assess tenders, ensure consistency, and select the most suitable supplier or solution based on merit.


Request for Tender (RFT) is a formal process used by organizations to invite proposals or bids from suppliers or service providers for the procurement of goods, commodities, items, or services. By understanding the purpose of RFTs and following best practices for issuing and responding to them, organizations can conduct transparent and competitive procurement processes, select the most qualified suppliers or solutions, and achieve successful project outcomes.

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