Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM)


Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) refers to a segment of the Serviceable Available Market (SAM) that a business can realistically capture or achieve in the short term. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of SOM, its significance in market analysis and business strategy, and strategies for businesses to identify, evaluate, and capitalize on their serviceable obtainable market to drive short-term growth and success.


Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) represents the portion of the Serviceable Available Market (SAM) that a business can realistically capture or achieve within a specific timeframe, typically the short term. SOM reflects the subset of the SAM that is within the business's immediate reach and capacity to serve based on factors such as its current resources, capabilities, market positioning, and strategic initiatives. It represents the market segment or customer base that the business can effectively engage with, convert, and retain to drive short-term revenue growth and market penetration.

Key Characteristics of SOM:

  • Short-Term Focus: SOM is characterized by its short-term focus and timeframe, typically spanning a specific period, such as a fiscal quarter or year, during which the business aims to capture and capitalize on immediate market opportunities and revenue potential. It represents the portion of the SAM that the business can realistically target, convert, and serve within the defined timeframe to achieve short-term growth objectives and performance targets.
  • Achievable Targets: SOM involves setting achievable targets and goals for market penetration, customer acquisition, and revenue generation within the short term, based on the business's existing capabilities, resources, and strategic initiatives. It focuses on identifying and prioritizing market segments or customer groups that are most accessible, responsive, and profitable for the business to target and engage with, allowing for more effective sales and marketing strategies and tactics to drive immediate results and returns on investment.
  • Resource Allocation: SOM requires effective resource allocation and deployment to capitalize on immediate market opportunities and revenue potential, including sales and marketing resources, operational capacity, and customer service infrastructure. It involves aligning resources, investments, and efforts towards targeting, engaging, and converting high-potential market segments or customer groups to maximize short-term revenue growth, market share expansion, and competitive advantage.

Strategies for Capturing SOM:

  • Targeted Marketing: Implement targeted marketing strategies and campaigns to reach and engage with specific market segments or customer groups that represent the SOM, leveraging data analytics, customer insights, and segmentation techniques to personalize messaging, offers, and experiences that resonate with their needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Sales Enablement: Equip sales teams with the necessary tools, resources, and training to effectively target, qualify, and convert leads and prospects within the SOM, including sales scripts, presentation materials, product demos, and objection handling techniques, to streamline the sales process, overcome barriers, and accelerate deal closure and revenue generation.
  • Customer Retention: Focus on customer retention and loyalty initiatives to maximize the lifetime value of customers acquired within the SOM, including post-sale support, service excellence, and personalized engagement strategies that foster long-term relationships, repeat purchases, and referrals, driving incremental revenue and profitability over time.


Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) represents a segment of the Serviceable Available Market (SAM) that a business can realistically capture or achieve in the short term, driving immediate revenue growth and market penetration. By identifying, evaluating, and capitalizing on their SOM, businesses can set achievable targets, deploy targeted strategies, and allocate resources effectively to maximize short-term returns and position themselves for long-term success and sustainability in today's dynamic and competitive marketplace.

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